We went: walking around the neighborhood.
We heard: Lots of crickets, a trash truck, and some birds. We also heard the creak of a windmill in the neighbor's yard.
We looked for: berries.
Instead of berries, we found a dandylion.

And white morning-glory flowers.

Beautiful Thistles.

Ants on a Black-Eyed Susan leaf.

A huge white mushroom (about 10 inches in diameter). The kids thought it was a bone.

Deformed peaches.

White flowers.

And, finally some berries.

We took the time to notice that on the berries, the seed is on the outside of the "squishy part", but on other fruits, the seed is on the inside. The kids noticed this difference themselves, once I asked.
The sumac has berries too, and it's starting to turn already -- it's only August!

And our raspberries at home are starting to ripen too!

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