Saturday, August 29, 2009

Week 2

We only got about 3 days of "school" in last week. I don't think that's too bad for a first week. We'll try for four this week. We're off to a good start with jelly making :)

Verse of the week:
Numbers 14:18
The LORD God is slow to anger, abounding in love, forgiving sin and rebellion.

A Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day

Math every day

Say the verse every day
Write the verse every day

Reading practice every day

Bible reading every day

Fifty Famous Stories Retold: "Damon and Pythias"; and "A Laconic Answer" (Greek)

Trial and Triumph: chapter 1 "Polycarp Witness in the Arena" (69-155 AD)

Aesop's Fables:
"Belling the Cat" (pg. 11 in the Milo Winter version) and
"The Eagle and the Jackdaw" (pg. 12 in the Milo Winter version)

Burgess's Bird Book: chapter I "Jenny Wren Arrives: Introducing the House Wren" (pictures for each bird)

Paddle to the Sea: chapter 2

An art project

A nature walk and journal

A handicraft project (build something)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Nature Walk: Berries

The weather: uncharacteristically cool, for August. Cloudy and drizzling.
We went: walking around the neighborhood.
We heard: Lots of crickets, a trash truck, and some birds. We also heard the creak of a windmill in the neighbor's yard.
We looked for: berries.

Instead of berries, we found a dandylion.

And white morning-glory flowers.

Beautiful Thistles.

Ants on a Black-Eyed Susan leaf.

A huge white mushroom (about 10 inches in diameter). The kids thought it was a bone.

Deformed peaches.

White flowers.

And, finally some berries.

We took the time to notice that on the berries, the seed is on the outside of the "squishy part", but on other fruits, the seed is on the inside. The kids noticed this difference themselves, once I asked.

The sumac has berries too, and it's starting to turn already -- it's only August!

And our raspberries at home are starting to ripen too!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 1

This is our first week. Number5 just came home from the hospital yesterday. We're all in a tizzy, so I don't know how much will get done. My focus is going to be on loving each kid individually, and establishing something like a healthy, workable routine.

Verse of the week: John 15:16
You did not choose me, but I chose you and told you to go bear much fruit. This is my command: Love each other.

Every Day
A Child's Garden of Verses: read one poem
Say the verse
Write the verse
Reading practice
Bible reading (Proverbs, one chapter a day)

For the week
Aesop's Fables
"The Wolf and the Kid" (pg. 7 in the Milo Winter version) and
"Tortoise and the Ducks" (pg. 8 in the Milo Winter version);

Island Story chapter 1 "The Stories of Albion and Brutus";
Fifty Famous Stories Retold: "The Sword of Damocles" (Greek);
Paddle to the Sea: chapter 1

Do An art project

Take a nature walk
Write in the Nature journal

Make something (handicraft project)